Editors Work from the Gut

I remember when my job was editing. It’s not a simple job. You’re not 100% certain how your audience will react to certain pieces that you approve for publishing or how many people will buy a book you recommended be published. You just have to listen to...

Writing Query Letters Is Really Fun

New writers tend to cringe when they hear about query letters. They seem so “non-creative,” and so business-y and lacking in entertainment value. But lemme tell ya… Writing query letters can be a blast! At least, they are for me. You see, I’m a...

My Rejection Pile

How do you spell rejection? I can spell it any number of ways, like, “No thanks!” “Sorry, we covered this last month,” “Too contrived,” or just no response at all. Those are some things that were written on my manuscripts over the...

Tell Them to Just Go Away!

I get pretty irked when people who have never had anything published try to tell me how to write.  They’re so certain that they know better because they may have been successful in another field, and well… that means the know everything, right? Your...