Paragraphs Can Be Fun

Right, you’re thinking.  Paragraph construction has plagued writers for probably… ever. So, what makes them fun? Well, writing them for one. I mean, how hard is it to come up with a paragraph, unless you’re constructing it for your third-grade...

How to Find Your Ideal Writing Voice

Are you a new writer? If so, the whole question of “voice” might be confusing for you. I know it was for me at first. I figured that if you wrote, you wrote. Not so! Here are some steps you can take to figure your own writing voice: Choose any topic,...

10 Great Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

Tons of people want to write, but think they can’t because they can’t get started. Or, they start writing and are stalled. They don’t know where to go next. Here are 10 ways that you can beat writer’s block and keep writing! Create an outline:...

You CAN Do It

What happens when you tell people you’re a writer? Do they ask if you’ve had anything “published”? Like, “Well… so what. You write stuff, but well… come on. I don’t see your shit in the bookstore.” Do you get those...

Just Quietly Go On

What do you do when someone tells you that you can’t do something?  “Oh, you’ll never sell anything you write. That would be a miracle. It just doesn’t happen to people like us.” Me? I go do it just to prove them wrong. Image via...