Writing the Killer Query Letter

That’s never been a problem for me, and query letters, but selling work before it’s done does scare some people. You can always create an outline of your idea first, if that makes you feel more secure. But let me tell you… Once you start writing...

Feeling Your Paragraphs

Oh, yeah… I’m not really the touchy-feely type, but when it comes to art, that’s what happens. When you’re looking at a painting, you’re seeing color, subject, and design, and the combination of all of those will evoke an emotional...

Paragraphs Can Be Fun

Right, you’re thinking.  Paragraph construction has plagued writers for probably… ever. So, what makes them fun? Well, writing them for one. I mean, how hard is it to come up with a paragraph, unless you’re constructing it for your third-grade...

What Is a Paragraph?

This issue plagues school children from all over the world: What’s a paragraph, and how do you know when you’re ready for another? This issue also plagues new writers from every genre.  Sometimes, they have no idea where to end a paragraph and begin a new...

Nonfiction Pays the Bills

So, when I started writing, I was no different from most writers. I wanted to write “The Great American Novel,” too. And I wrote my first novel for adults. It’s still in my drawer. It has some good stuff, and one day, I’ll take it out and make...