As we’ve discussed here before, our “young adult” group involved teens, but it involves 12-14 year olds, so not all of them are teens. Yet, some magazines are directed straight at them. No magazines directed at the older group would have much on Justin Beiber, for example. That’s strictly a young adult topic.
So, it’s all about their interests when it comes to magazines for the young adults. And though they call them “teen” magazines, remember it’s not all teens reading them.
- Image via Wikipedia
I remember 16 magazine when I was growing up and how much I wanted to be a teenager and so cool like the kids in the mag. Nothing’s changed. Kids at 12 are still wanting to be 13 so they can say they’re teenagers, right?
And they’re hip. They know the bands, the clothes, the “cool” stuff, and how they participate in the game is very individual as we discussed in our last article.
So, what’s the point?
When you see a “teen” magazine, like American Cheerleader, Seventeen, and J-14 and the articles are overwhelmingly young celebrity driven, it’s a good bet that you’re looking at something intended for young adults.
The articles are short, easy to read and give the reader room to fantasize about being part of that world. They want to know how to fix their hair and make-up, what clothes to wear, and how to be successful at relationships.
Not all kids even read magazines like this, though. The Goth kids aren’t interested in how they look. They want to be accepted for who they are, for example, and wouldn’t be caught dead reading these magazines.
So, realize that you’re not going to reach all kids 12-14 with these magazine articles, but if you have any connections to celebrity or are comfortable contacting PR people and such, this might be a good niche for you. Read a few of these magazines and see how they’re written. If you feel that you can duplicate the style and content… go for it! And have fun.