How to Find Your Ideal Writing Voice

Are you a new writer? If so, the whole question of “voice” might be confusing for you. I know it was for me at first. I figured that if you wrote, you wrote. Not so! Here are some steps you can take to figure your own writing voice: Choose any topic,...

Silly Voices

Image via Wikipedia Figuring out what your writing voice is can be lots of fun, and when you’re writing for kids, that voice can even be silly. Yes, silly. Think about Dr. Seuss. His writing voice was distinctive and poetic and absolutely silly, though it made...

What’s Your Writing Voice?

Image via Wikipedia Voice is a rather nebulous facet of the writing endeavor. How do you explain “voice”? Well… Here are some of its characteristics: voice is individual voice can be formal or informal voice is often referred to as “tone”...

How Does the Story Feel?

You have a story in mind. Where did it come from? The character or the situation? If the story came from developing your character first, then it might be easy to decide which character(s) will carry the viewpoint — that’s the angle from which all action...

The Methodical Approach to Awarding Viewpoint

Does the idea of viewpoint or point of view (POV) confuse you? Not to worry! It confuses lots of new writers, and I can remember way back 21 years ago when it kind of confused me, too. When you’re reading a novel, think about who is telling you what’s...