by Pat Marcello | Jan 12, 2011 | Writing
I love figuring out where my point of view (POV) or viewpoint should be when I’m writing fiction. Who narrates the action? Is it my main character? Or is it a third-person omniscient narrator? How is my story best told? So, how do I figure that out? I write a...
by Pat Marcello | Jan 11, 2011 | Writing
What’s “point of view” (POV)? It’s the angle from which your story is seen, and it can be single, coming from a single character, or you can have an omniscient third-person narrator that sees and hears all. There is a second-person POV, but...
by Pat Marcello | Jan 10, 2011 | Writing
Writing characters is a tricky process. You don’t want characters that are flat and stiff, but you don’t want to go overboard and make them caricatures, either. So, you need to really think about who these people are and where they have been. One simple...
by Pat Marcello | Jan 9, 2011 | Writing
If you’re a fiction writer, you need three-dimensional characters. If your characters are flat and boring, you won’t have a very good story. I like to start any story I write by creating my characters, or at least the main characters in my stories. In a...
by Pat Marcello | Jan 8, 2011 | Writing
What are we good at as fiction writers? Making things up, right? That’s fun for us, though often frustrating when we don’t know where to go. So, I’m going to give you a simple starting point — create your characters first. Image via Wikipedia...