Creating Memorable Characters

One of my favorite things to do is create characters for my stories, and that’s really where a good story starts. Create a three-dimensional protagonist, who’s not all good or all bad, who suffers the same issues as we do in our day-t0-day lives and then,...

Bad Endings Just Creep Me Out

Have you ever had that feeling? You get to the end of a great book or short story, and you’re at the end and NOTHING happens? Or it’s a dumb ending or ugh! Doesn’t that just make you feel… well… icky? Does me. Image via Wikipedia When I...

How to Write a Killer Ending

Image by koalazymonkey via Flickr So, endings can be tough. You’ve told your tale, the conflict is solved, and well… then what? Then, you need to satisfy readers. You have to tie everything up in a neat little bow so that they’re not left hanging....

Writing: Ends Up

So, what about the end of your novel or short story? How should it happen? My advice is that you make it closure. Let your readers see that the main conflict has been solved via the actions of your main character(s) and that all of the loose ends are cut off or tied....

This is the End… My Only Friend the End

Don’t you hate it when you get to the end of a book and nothing happens? That’s why you should take the time to craft your ending carefully. Readers don’t want to be let down. They want an ending that gives them closure to the story. Image via...