by Pat Marcello | Sep 16, 2010 | Pat Life
As you know, I’m a writer. I write a LOT every single day and I read a LOT, too. I love to read and it can be anything from a silly Terry Pratchett novel to the latest guru manifesto. It really doesn’t matter to me because I know that every time I read...
by Pat Marcello | Sep 15, 2010 | Pat Life
About 34 years ago, we decided to move to California. My husband had lived there as a little kid and just never got living at the beach out of his system, so he went out there to scout around and ended up renting a condo in Redondo. It was on the beach, of course. So,...
by Pat Marcello | Sep 14, 2010 | Pat Life
Until my fingers fall off. That’s my life. If I’m not writing blog posts, I’m writing books or I’m writing articles or I’m writing whatever. Funny part is — I never wanted to be a writer. Writing was the absolute worst thing you...
by Pat Marcello | Sep 11, 2010 | Pat Life
So, we went to see The Expendables today. I’m a real film freak, and even write a movie blog, if you’re interested to see what I think about the latest films. We haven’t been to the movies in so long because there’s been so much crap put out...
by Pat Marcello | Sep 10, 2010 | Pat Life
Hello. I’m an Internet marketer. I really should go to a meeting, but well… just can’t seem to stay away from the stuff, you know. One of the things we Internet marketers do a lot of is to give bonuses for buying our products. It can be anything...
by Pat Marcello | Sep 8, 2010 | Pat Life
Not really, I mean, I don’t walk around in those pointy bras or anything, but I swear, I have reinvented myself more times than she has. You NEED to do that in life. If you are still the same person you were when you got out of high school… SNAP OUT OF...