Writing Characters, Step-by-Step
If you're a fiction writer, you need three-dimensional characters. If your characters are flat and boring, you won't have a very good story. I like to start any story I write by creating my characters, or at least the main characters in my stories. In a children's...
A Fun Way to Create Characters
What are we good at as fiction writers? Making things up, right? That's fun for us, though often frustrating when we don't know where to go. So, I'm going to give you a simple starting point -- create your characters first. Image via Wikipedia Simple. And to make it...
Creating Memorable Characters
One of my favorite things to do is create characters for my stories, and that's really where a good story starts. Create a three-dimensional protagonist, who's not all good or all bad, who suffers the same issues as we do in our day-t0-day lives and then, throw them...