Hey, how’s it going? I’m Pat Marcello and I’ve written 10 books for publishers like ABC-Clio, Lucent, and Andrews-McMeel. I haven’t been writing for magazines or writing books for years, but I do write every day. I am a writer. And I have writerly thoughts all the time — some twisted, some normal. And so, I’d like to share a little of each with you. Enjoy!

This is the End… My Only Friend the End

Don't you hate it when you get to the end of a book and nothing happens? That's why you should take the time to craft your ending carefully. Readers don't want to be let down. They want an ending that gives them closure to the story. Image via Wikipedia Here are some...

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My Middle Made Me Meshuggenah

No, I'm not Jewish, but made you look, right? You'll notice the alliterative title... They often work well to get readers to read more. Keep that in mind. Meshuggenah means crazy or nuts, in case you don't already know, and I have to say that my middle certainly did...

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How to Write an Engaging Middle

Though the beginning of your story is crucial and needs to draw people in, your middle is what keeps them reading your story or book. You have to give them rising action, a climax, falling action, and the denouement or the resolution of all conflicts. Here's what I...

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