Hey, how’s it going? I’m Pat Marcello and I’ve written 10 books for publishers like ABC-Clio, Lucent, and Andrews-McMeel. I haven’t been writing for magazines or writing books for years, but I do write every day. I am a writer. And I have writerly thoughts all the time — some twisted, some normal. And so, I’d like to share a little of each with you. Enjoy!

Writing for Babies and Language Skills

Now that we've covered the basics of each age group, let's ton into more detail about style. Age-appropriateness is extremely important when writing for kids, and now, you know a little about each group and what they like. So, how do you write for them?  Let's start...

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Write Like Sex and the City

Image via Wikipedia I was watching the second Sex and the City movie last night, when it dawned on me that I've neglected one important topic that teens are very interested in -- fashion. I mean, they're very conscious of their appearance at this age, and though they...

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Writing for Teens Is a Fact-Finding Mission

When you think about kids in college or upper high school grades and you're my age, you're thinking... babies. Considering the difference in our ages, it's probably understandable, but when you're writing for teens, you'd better get that thought right out of your...

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