Tell Them to Just Go Away!
I get pretty irked when people who have never had anything published try to tell me how to write. They're so certain that they know better because they may have been successful in another field, and well... that means the know everything, right? Your writing can't be...
You CAN Do It
What happens when you tell people you're a writer? Do they ask if you've had anything "published"? Like, "Well... so what. You write stuff, but well... come on. I don't see your shit in the bookstore." Do you get those vibes? Image by Lester Public Library via Flickr...
Just Quietly Go On
What do you do when someone tells you that you can't do something? "Oh, you'll never sell anything you write. That would be a miracle. It just doesn't happen to people like us." Me? I go do it just to prove them wrong. Image via Wikipedia But easy doesn't happen to...