I’ve Got a Starbucks Monkey on My Back
Image via Wikipedia About three years ago, I said that I'd never go to Starbucks. I mean, who would be dumb enough to pay $5 for a cup of coffee, right? Well... They built one right across the street! How dare they! And my daughter says, "You know... I've had these...
Social Network – The BIG Idea
Image via CrunchBase I'm a total movie person, and go to the theater often, and today we went to see Social Network, the Facebook story. You should see it, too, if you work online or if you are an entrepreneur or a budding hopeful. The movie itself wasn't stunning. It...
So… You Met the Kid?
Hmm... Shannon definitely has lofty aspirations, thinking she's my puppet master. Ha, ha, ha... That has never been the case and never will -- This is a hole where a picture of Shannon used to be but she made me take it down. just so you know. That whole post was a...