Men Were Mad and It Had Nothing to Do with Advertising
Everyone in the known universe has watched AMC's Mad Men, except us. Not sure why. We just never got into it. However, my sister-in-law bought three seasons of it for my husband for his birthday. So, we started disk one last night. It's kind of interesting, seeing as...
My Painter Period
Remember the 90's? I was raising a kid and trying really hard to make money on the side. I did a bunch of different stuff because getting by on one income just wasn't cutting it. One of my projects was "wearable art," and I painted denim jackets and sold them at flea...
Strange Music Helps Online Business Be Less Boring
Image by SpreePiX - Berlin via Flickr There are tons of tasks you have to do every day as an Internet marketer, I know. Been there, done that for 7 years. I don't have a lot of time to work on my own business, but every single day, I'm locked into writing a blog post...