Hey, how’s it going? I’m Pat Marcello and I’ve written 10 books for publishers like ABC-Clio, Lucent, and Andrews-McMeel. I haven’t been writing for magazines or writing books for years, but I do write every day. I am a writer. And I have writerly thoughts all the time — some twisted, some normal. And so, I’d like to share a little of each with you. Enjoy!

Feeling Your Paragraphs

Oh, yeah... I'm not really the touchy-feely type, but when it comes to art, that's what happens. When you're looking at a painting, you're seeing color, subject, and design, and the combination of all of those will evoke an emotional response when the painting is...

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The Methodical Approach to Pargraphing

Is there really one? I'm guessing that in English class, if you're in the 3rd grade there is. But let's think about some modern literature... How about Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes. It's one of the best books I ever read, and it had the very worst paragraphing and...

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Paragraphs Can Be Fun

Right, you're thinking.  Paragraph construction has plagued writers for probably... ever. So, what makes them fun? Well, writing them for one. I mean, how hard is it to come up with a paragraph, unless you're constructing it for your third-grade teacher? That was some...

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Patricia Cronin Marcello
Patricia Cronin Marcello
22 Amazon reviews
Gma Barb
Gma Barb
The Tragic Secret of Cyrus Crowe: A Cassie Slade Mystery | Pre-teen fears
I read this book before giving it to my grand-daughter. I was surprised that it held my interest until the end. The book tells the tale of a pre-teen girl experiencing natural fears of unknown sounds and events when home alone. She becomes physically affected by her fears. Her best friend is understanding but thinks it's all imagination until she shares in some of the events and they find themselves in a true mystery.My grand-daughter then read the book and liked it very much. She said that after telling one of her friends about it, the friend asked to borrow it. Her answer was, "Nope, I don't want to lose it. I think I'll read it again."
Nurse Val
Nurse Val
Ralph Nader: A Biography (Greenwood Biographies) | Thanks
Received quickly. I appreciate that because it was a required book fir a sociology class. When I'm done I'll try to re sell it.
D. Donovan, Editor/Sr. Reviewer
D. Donovan, Editor/Sr. Reviewer
Mohandas K. Gandhi: A Biography (Greenwood Biographies) | An overview of Indian society society as a whole!
Patricia Cronin Marcello's MOHANDAS K. GANDHI: A BIOGRAPHY (0313333947, $29.95) lends to all three collections, joining others in the 'Greenwood Biographies' series to provide not just a coverage of his life and contributions, but an overview of Indian society and history up to World War II. Gandhi's personal life as an absentee husband and father is also reviewed, as well as his attachments to devotees and his experiences of betrayal.
Robert A. Deckert
Robert A. Deckert
Gloria Steinem: A Biography (Greenwood Biographies) | A life well told
Written in a clear and engaging style, Patricia Marcello's biography of Gloria Steinem is a fascinating account of perhaps America's most influential, and certainly the most eloquent, feminist. Steinem is widely known as the founder of Ms. magazine and a women's rights activist, but few readers know much about her personal life. Marcello gives us a powerful insight into this remarkable and intriguing woman by a careful examination of the family and forces that shaped her. Though written primarily for a young adult audience, Marcello doesn't talk down to them. A book for every student's library. R. A. Deckert, Bellingham WA
S. C. Smith
S. C. Smith
Jerry Garcia (Little Books) by Ariel (1999-05-03) | A nice quick read to put on your desk,
When I got this book in the mail I opened the package and knew why it was not real expensive. It is about the size of a cassete tape box and is a well-made hardback with a dustcover. It is a nice quick colorful tribute that celebrates Jerry Garcia. Something that any Garcia fan would really like. It is actually quite a bargain now that I think about it.

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