How I Got a Writing Break

Remember last week when I told you that I worked with an editor who I got along with really well?  Can you believe that I never met her? Can you also believe that I’ve never talked to her on the phone, even? Yep… Our relationship was completely Web based,...

Writing: How It Works

Want to know how writing works? Simple. You write; you’re rejected. You write some more and are rejected some more. And then, one day… Image via Wikipedia You find an editor who likes what you’ve done and he or she pays you for it. Don’t be...

Be an Energizer Bunny Writer

If you’re an American, you’ve undoubtedly seen the Energizer commercial ads featuring the Energizer Bunny. Have you noticed that he just keeps moving and pounding that tiny little drum, no matter what? Nothing stops him. He goes over stuff or around it. He...

Tell Them to Just Go Away!

I get pretty irked when people who have never had anything published try to tell me how to write.  They’re so certain that they know better because they may have been successful in another field, and well… that means the know everything, right? Your...

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Image via Wikipedia Overwhelm often stops people from writing. I know it did me. I couldn’t even conceive of writing 300 pages, give or take, to get my first novel out. Just the very thought of it made me tremble, and I had incredible approach/avoidance over...